Warren Hall
Warren has the responsibility for the oversight of the College.
Warren is passionate about Christian education and giving every child an opportunity to shine in a safe learning environment.

Rachel Pelentsov
Head of Primary School
Director of Teaching & Learning Primary
Rachel's responsibilities include oversight of the teaching team in Years 3-6 and supporting teachers to grow their skills and knowledge.
Rachel is passionate about ensuring students derive enjoyment from their learning through engaging and practical experiences while promoting a safe learning culture.

Sharlene Middleton
Deputy Principal
Sharlene's responsibilities includes oversight of the Sub-Schools & the College.
Sharlene is passionate about joining alongside students on their journey and to create the best possible environment for students to thrive.

Barney Jones
Head of Senior School
SACE Coordinator
Barney's responsibilities include oversight of the Senior School, Years 10-12 and the SACE process.
Barney also teaches Mathematics in Secondary.

Penny Hayman
Head of Junior Primary
Penny's responsibilities include oversight of the teaching team in Years R-2.
Penny has a passion for meeting learners on their own level and equipping them to succeed.

Courtney Bond
Head of Diverse Learning
Courtney's responsibilities include the oversight of the In-class Support staff and diverse learning support for students.
Courtney is passionate about a holistic educational experience for all students with an Inclusive Education approach.